
Friday, May 22, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

From everyone at MedChi, all of our best wishes for a Happy Memorial Day.

Marcia reminds everyone to think about the original meaning of this holiday – to remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice serving in the armed forces to defend and protect the United States.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy Anniversary

It was on this date in 1909 that the Headquarters of the Medical & Chirurgical Faculty were dedicated. Speakers included Sir William Osler, M.D. who gave the evening speech, including this passage.

It does not often happen that a man is called upon to participate in the dedication of a Hall to himself. More often it is a posthumous honour for which the thanks are tendered by relatives or friends. It is difficult for me to express the deep gratitude I feel for this singular mark of affection on your part. 


Happy 106th Anniversary to our dear beautiful building.

Monday, May 4, 2015

What I Found on My Desk, Part I

My desk has become the repository for all things historical. And if not historical, the ephemera that no one’s sure where it should go.

The other morning I came in and found this microscope kit, complete with poison pills, scalpels and other assorted bits and pieces.


Today, I found these blazer badges that must have been issued to members at some point. They’re gold bullion (the stitching) and velvet, and attach to one’s pocket with a set of very strong magnets. IMG_0807Do you have one of these?