
Thursday, November 21, 2013

MedChi’s Seal

MedChi’s seal, which appears on our business cards and stationery, is a traditional seal, first used in the mid-1800’s in red. red seal

In the early 1900’s, most likely on the occasion of the move to our current building, Max Brödel, the noted medical illustrator from Johns Hopkins, created a new seal for us. Earlier this year, I found the original drawing in our archive.

When the seal was finally engraved, it changed slightly, and now looks like this:Seal

The translation of the Latin is basically “The Medical & Chirurgical Society. Maryland. This seal is in its honor. Month of June, AD 1799. 23 years after the liberty of America was instituted. I have no idea what the Greek lettering is, perhaps something about the Hippocratic Oath. Any ideas?

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