
Wednesday, December 4, 2013

MedChi’s “Other” Building

As I wrote before, we have a HQ building that was purpose built in 1909 for MedChi. But in the early 1980’s, we had greatly expanded what we do and needed additional space. Luckily, the adjacent building, an old school, was vacant. Through a deal with the City, we acquired the building and the gymnasium for the grand sum of $1.00. My office is dead center on the third floor.IMG_2959x

The building, which was constructed in 1900, was originally the Marsden’s School, then Marsden’s University School and then the University School for Boys. IMG_2964xIn the 1940’s, it became PS #49, the Robert E. Lee School. It closed in the late 1960’s or early 1970’s. We have a bronze bust of Robert E. Lee and the granite plinth where it sat, stored in the stacks.

I went out and took some pictures of the building a few days before we did our architectural tour in October and I was lucky to get some great yellow afternoon light. I think that the building is quite handsome on the exterior. There are loads of gorgeous carvings and details. The front entrance:IMG_2953

The Veritas shield.IMG_2954x

One of the facesIMG_2956x

The great round windows on the gymnasiumIMG_2967x

More detailIMG_2963x

Wonderful huge windows, IMG_2960xalthough I’ve gotten grief for the “replacement” windows that were installed at some point. The windows in my office are steel-framed, and while they do open, they’re a bear to close!


  1. Hello Meg, Quite a handsome building--you are lucky to be able to work there, not to mention that an "unofficial historian" needs a historic workspace. By coincidence, the high school I went to had the same name--University School, no prefix, and the "for boys" was implicit. I have even discovered a Baltimore connection which I am now researching.

  2. When I was researching the name of the school, it was amazing how many "University Schools" came up on Google!
