
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

MedChi: Official Partner of Star-Spangled 200!

For several months, MedChi has been working with the team at Star-Spangled 200, the official organization of the celebrations of the 200th Anniversary of the writing of the Star-Spangled Banner, our National Anthem and now we have been named as one of their official partners.  Print

Over the next several months, we will be presenting a lecture and an exhibition featuring MedChi’s role in the writing of the anthem. I’ve already written about Dr. William Beanes, the forgotten man behind the National Anthem, here, but there are nearly 30 other physicians who were active and involved in the War of 1812 and the battles that were fought locally. We will be highlighting a number of them here on the MedChi Archives blog as we move closer to September.

Star-Spangled 200 is planning a summer filled with great events to celebrate the Anthem, so bookmark their site to see what’s going on. The events culminate with a big weekend celebration for Defenders Day, the weekend of September 12-14, 2014.

In 1814, MedChi’s physicians were present at Fort McHenry during the 25 hour Battle of Baltimore, although more deaths came from disease than injury. battleIn September, our physicians will be assisting at events surrounding the celebrations at Fort McHenry. We look at this as closing a loop that was started 200 years ago.

MedChi is very proud and tremendously honored to be an official partner in the celebration of our nation’s National Anthem.

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