
Tuesday, January 5, 2016


The Maryland Humanities Council creates and supports educational experiences in the humanities that inspire all Marylanders to embrace lifelong learning, exchange ideas openly, and enrich their communities. They support a range of organizations and projects. They also have a five-minute segment on the local National Public Radio station, WYPR-FM.


MedChi was asked to record a segment for Maryland Humanities Council on the History of Maryland Medicine. It will air at 4:44 p.m. on Thursday, January 14, 2016. In the segment, I talk about the history of MedChi, the archives, the art and the library. imageThe limit was 500 words, and it had to take less than four minutes to record. So after a few takes, we finally got one that worked.

I hope you will take a few minutes to listen to it. After it airs, I will post a link.

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