
Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Indexing the MMJ

We’re in the process of working with the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Health Sciences & Human Services Library to digitize the Maryland Medical Journal. It’s a massive project, and will take some time. 6-69

Before that happens, I’ve scanned in the tables of contents from several decades of the MMJ. I frequently get requests to find specific articles and references, often with the most vague specifications, such as “it was an article that appeared sometime in the 1980s”, which is literally no help at all.

Now, I can just look through the tables of contents and find the article that I need. For some of the older MMJ issues, I have scanned the indices, because they didn’t contain tables of contents.index2

The order in which I’ve scanned the Journals is somewhat random, mainly because I was looking for something else, so just scanned in a year here and another year there. Right now, I can just flip through the tables of contents and indices and see if I can find what I need, rather than pulling out all of the books.

It’s our hope that by the end of 2016, several decades of the Maryland Medical Journal will be digitized. Here’s just a peek at one year. Click here.

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