
Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Some More Sleuthing

As you may know, we’re using an image that I found in our archives for the invitation to the Hunt History of Maryland Medicine Lecture. program cover

There was a lot of writing on the original image, and with a little sleuthing, I found out what most of it meant.

The top line on the table is taken from a poem by William Knox: Oh! why should the spirit of mortal be proud? Like a swift-fleeting meteor, a fast-flying cloud, A flash of the lightning, a break of the wave, Man passeth from life to his rest in the grave.

The second line is from Hamlet, Act 5, Scene 1, as Hamlet holds Yorick’s skull: To what base uses may we return, Horatio?

The third line, Man’s usefulness ends not in death, has no attribution, but it is also seen on a 1901 photograph of an anatomy class, remarkably similar to our archival photograph, but with no identifying information. (And our cadaver doesn’t have a cigarette in his hand!)image

Additionally, there’s also the notation P&S, a skull and crossbones, and the year, which was most helpful in targeting the date of the image. Behind the gentlemen is a list of who is in the image, along with their home states. One of the names is E.B. Friedenwald Md. UPDATE: We have since been told that the P&S is for the College of Physicians & Surgeons. So the photo is not from the University of Maryland, as we originally suspected. 

We were able to corroborate this is Edgar B. Friedenwald, who was one of a number of physicians in a Baltimore family. He was born in 1879, so the age is correct. Karen Falk from the Jewish Museum of Maryland sent me this image:image

The thinking is that the man second from the left in the image above is the same man as the second from the right in the image below.image

Your thoughts?

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