
Monday, June 10, 2019

Another Successful Hunt Lecture!

Thanks so much to everyone who came to the annual Thomas E. Hunt, Jr, MD History of Maryland Medicine Lecture last week. And a very special thanks to Dr. Paul Rothman, Dean of the Medical Faculty at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, and CEO of Johns Hopkins Medicine. 

More than 100 members and friends of MedChi, as well as several of Dr. Hunt's family members attended the lecture, entitled "Sir William Osler, MD: Yesterday & Today.

Dr. Allan Jensen, Chair of the History of Maryland Medicine Committee was responsible for recruiting Dr. Rothman, and introduced him at the Lecture. 

Dr. Rothman compared medicine at the time that Dr. Osler was operating at Hopkins, and how when Osler wrote the first edition of "The Practice of Medicine", he was still an avid supporter of blood-letting! Now we are working with nano-technologies and artificial intelligence. One can only wonder what Sir William Osler would have thought about all of that!

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