
Monday, April 13, 2020

Samuel Theobald

Samuel Theobald was born in Baltimore on November 1846. He was the son of Dr. E.W. Theobald. 
He received his medical degree from the University of Maryland, and was the first person to use boracic acid in diseases of the eye. He was a Professor of Diseases of the Eye and Ear at the Baltimore Polyclinic in 1884. He was a founder and the Ophthalmic and Aural Surgeon at the Baltimore Eye, Ear and Throat Charity Hospital, as well as a lecturer on Ophthalmology and Otology at Johns Hopkins in 1893-1894.

Dr. Theobald was also an Ophthalmic & Aural Surgeon at the St. Vincent's Hospital and the Home for the Incurables. However, his most important work was the "Anatomical & Clinical Investigations Bearing Upon the Treatment of Strictures of the Lachrymal Passages," as well as being a contributor to several works on diseases of the eye and ear.

He was Vice President of the Medical & Chirurgical Faculty in 1899-1900 and President in 1900-1901. He kept an office at 304 West Monument Street.

Dr. Theobald died on December 20, 1930. A Chair was named for him at Johns Hopkins in 2015. 

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