
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

A Small Change

As of July 1, 2021, the service we use to send posts to you from this blog is being discontinued by Google. This means that when I post something, it will not automatically arrive in your email. 

If you would like to continue receiving emails from the MedChi Archives blog, please send me an email here. I will add you to the mailing list and email you a link to the posts when I publish them. 

Thank you for understanding, and for supporting the History of Medicine in Maryland.

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Richard L. Duckett

I was looking for something else, when I came across this notice of the death of Founder, Richard L. Duckett, which was printed in the Herald & Eastern Shore Intelligencer in June 7 of 1802.

It seemed timely to share this.

Convention of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, at Baltimore, June 7th, 1802.

Resolved unanimously,

That a committee be appointed to prepare a suitable testimonial of respect to the memory of the late doctor Richard L. Duckett, and the secretary be furnished with a copy thereof for publication.

June 8th. The committee to whom was yesterday referred to the commemoration of the late doctor Duckett report as follows:

Died, November 1802, of a long inflammatory fever, which he bore with the fortitude of a brave man, and the resignation of a Christian, Richard L. Duckett, M.D. of Prince George's county, a member of the medical board of examiners for the Western Shore. The faculty (now in session) have unanimously agreed, as a testimony of respect for his memory, to express on the minutes of the faculty, their regret for the loss of a man so eminently entitled to their regard, both as a distinguished member of the same profession, and as an officer of their appointment. 

NATHANIEL POTTER, Se'ry of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland.

Hunt Lecture Transcript

As you might remember, we hosted the annual Hunt History of Medicine in Maryland lecture last month.

While we did record it, there was a problem with the video, so we've transcribed the lecture. Please click here for the link to the transcript, which will open as a Google document.

Thursday, June 3, 2021

June 3, 1799

On June 3, 1799, the original 101 founders of the Medical & Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland met for the first time. 

Although the charter had been signed in January, the first full meeting of the founding members did not take place until June 3 of 1799. Sadly, there are no notes that remain from this meeting in Annapolis, as stated in the Medical Annals of Maryland (1899). 

For many years after this, the summer semi-annual meeting and oration was held on June 3.