
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Richard L. Duckett

I was looking for something else, when I came across this notice of the death of Founder, Richard L. Duckett, which was printed in the Herald & Eastern Shore Intelligencer in June 7 of 1802.

It seemed timely to share this.

Convention of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland, at Baltimore, June 7th, 1802.

Resolved unanimously,

That a committee be appointed to prepare a suitable testimonial of respect to the memory of the late doctor Richard L. Duckett, and the secretary be furnished with a copy thereof for publication.

June 8th. The committee to whom was yesterday referred to the commemoration of the late doctor Duckett report as follows:

Died, November 1802, of a long inflammatory fever, which he bore with the fortitude of a brave man, and the resignation of a Christian, Richard L. Duckett, M.D. of Prince George's county, a member of the medical board of examiners for the Western Shore. The faculty (now in session) have unanimously agreed, as a testimony of respect for his memory, to express on the minutes of the faculty, their regret for the loss of a man so eminently entitled to their regard, both as a distinguished member of the same profession, and as an officer of their appointment. 

NATHANIEL POTTER, Se'ry of the Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of Maryland.

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