
Wednesday, May 25, 2022

After the Work

As I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago, we have been having some work done on our historic 1909 building, mostly re-pointing the brickwork on the faรงade, power-washing the sandstone work and painting woodwork. 

The work has now been completed and the building is looking quite smart and refreshed! As you can see, the fresh mortar really brings out the patterns in the brick - diagonal Flemish bond on the ground floor and monk bond on the upper floors. Click here to see older, more detailed photo of the brickwork.

The building was designed by Ellicott & Emmart, a local firm of architects. A contemporary account says that in addition to numerous meeting rooms and a large hall, there were “several rooms for special purposes in connection with various branches of medical research” including a working laboratory. 

In 1909, the total cost of the building was $64.342.49, with 572,090 cubic feet, making the cost per cubic foot $.112. In 2022 dollars, the building would have cost more than $9 million!

P.S. - It is incredibly difficult to photograph our buildings. Because of the location of the Meyerhoff Symphony Hall directly across Cathedral Street, you can't back up far enough to get a good head-on shot! I think that both of these shots were taken through my car window.

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