
Thursday, May 19, 2022

An Eyewitness to the Founding of JHH

The Maryland Center for History & Culture, formerly the Maryland Historical Society, recently shared an eyewitness account to the earliest years of Johns Hopkins Hospital. It was written by a former President of the Faculty, Lewellys F. Barker, whose portrait we also hold in our collection. 

Dr. Barker was a Quaker from Canada, as were a number of the early Hopkins physicians. In 1906, Dr. Barker was named as Dr. William Osler's successor as Professor of Medicine and Physician-in-Chief at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

The article talks about Dr. Barker's early days at Hopkins and then the years following its founding. The post was in reference to the fact that today is the anniversary of the 1775 birth of the founder, Johns Hopkins.

There is also a brief reference to the Faculty and Marcia!

A link to the article is here. You can read about the house where Dr. Barker lived in Guilford here. 

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