
Wednesday, August 10, 2022

2022 Hunt History of Maryland Medicine Lecture

Please Join the History of Maryland Medicine Committee for the 2022 Hunt History of Medicine Lecture: 
Medicine and Mount Vernon on Tuesday, September 20, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. at MedChi

The Board of Center for a Healthy Maryland and the History of Medicine Committee invite you to the annual Thomas E. Hunt, Jr., MD History of Maryland Medicine Lecture, "Medicine and Mount Vernon" featuring Dr. Hunt's son, historian Jamie Hunt. The lecture will be presented in hybrid format, subject to change as we move closer to the event.

Since the 1700's, Baltimore's historic Mount Vernon neighborhood has had an affiliation with the City's medical commity. From the Revolutionary War when General John Eagar Howard was seriously injured, to the establishment of the Medical Arts Building, Dr. William Osler moving to the neighborhood and the continuation of physicians with private offices along the tree-lined streets, Mount Vernon has played a key role in the City's medical history. Jamie Hunt will be exploring the importance of medicine to the neighborhood and how the Mt. Vernon benefitted from it.

The Hunt History of Maryland Medicine Lecture is named for the late Baltimore orthopedic surgeon Dr. Thomas E. Hunt, Jr., who was an active member of MedChi and the Baltimore City Medical Society for many years. Dr. Hunt’s interest in the history of medicine in Baltimore and Maryland led to the establishment of this annual lecture series in his honor.

Current masking requirements, as dictated by the local jurisdiction, will be enforced. When you RSVP, please indicate whether you will be attending via Zoom, or in person at MedChi's Osler Hall. If you choose to attend via Zoom, a link will be sent the day before the lecture. Due to masking requirements, we will only be serving light refreshments this year. To RSVP, please click HERE by September 15, 2022. 

Both free and paid parking are available in the general MedChi area, including on MedChi's lot at 1204 Maryland Avenue, and across the street (paid). 

If you would like to make a contribution in support of the Hunt Lectures, the History of Medicine in Maryland, the historic archives, or any of our other projects and programs, please click here.

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