
Thursday, October 26, 2023

Phase II Museum Opening

On Tuesday, October 17, in conjunction with the annual Hunt History of Medicine Lecture, we opened Phase II of the MedChi Museum of Maryland Medical History.

Among the new displays are:

35 years of photographs of our past presidents.
A handicap ramp between our two buildings.
Upton Scott's and John Archer's collections of medical books, which date from the 1600s and 1700s, with a portrait of their contemporary, Tristram Thomas above.
A bust of Dr. John Whitridge, sculpted by William Rinehart in Rome in 1874.
Videos of MedChi's history over the past 225 years, surrounded by a series of 1844 anatomical prints.
The Napoleon Chest
Additional portraits
Seating and a display of the Sappington Ledger
Renovated historic vestibule, uncovering the original tesserae marble floor.

If you are interested in visiting the Museum, please contact Meg Fielding. For now, visits are limited to business hours. 


  1. Meg..I didn't see my Dad's picture in past presidents??

  2. Hello Meg, The museum looks great. I have a feeling that you were responsible for the greater part of it, and I am sure that many will appreciate the efforts that went into the restoration of the building and the creation of this display.

    1. Thanks, and you're correct! One more phase to go, and then revolving, sponsored exhibits.
