Henry P C Wilson

Artist: Unknown, Oil on Canvas
Henry Parke Custis Wilson was born at Workington near Westover, Somerset County, Maryland on March 5, 1827. He received his A.B. from Princeton College in 1848 and his M.D. from the University of Maryland in 1851. After several years of being an attending physician at the Almshouse of Baltimore City and County, he became President of the Baltimore Academy of Medicine. He was a gynecologist, or surgeon for diseases peculiar to women, at St Vincent's Hospital and gynecologist to the Union Protestant Infirmary, as well as a consulting physician to St Agnes Hospital.
He was formerly president of the Baltimore Pathological Society and vice president of the American Gynecological Society. He became the President of the Medical & Chirurgical Faculty in 1880.
“Dr. Wilson has never been engaged in any other business but that of the practice of his profession of medicine and consequently has met with wonderful success. He began the practice of medicine in Baltimore in 1851, without money or friends, without anything except a large amount of ill health, and all that he possesses and all that he is he has made himself without a helping hand from any source.”
He was a constant contributor to the medical journals of the country and wrote several very learned pamphlets on surgical subjects.
Dr. Wilson died on December 27, 1897.

The portrait was presented at the 98th Annual Meeting on May 1, 1896 with an address by Dr. Thomas Ashby.

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