Monmonier Rowe

Artist: Mrs. Monmonier Rowe; oil on canvas
Monmonier Rowe was born in 1860 on Deal Island in Somerset County, Maryland. He attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons in Baltimore and received his MD in 1889. He returned to Deal Island and maintained an active practice there until 1902.
Dr. Rowe became a member of the Faculty in 1890. He was a Major in the 5th Regiment Armory and the portrait, which was painted by his wife, shows him in military uniform.
In 1902, Dr. Rowe moved to Baltimore and opened an office at 1825 E. Baltimore Street which he kept until his death from nephritis in 1911.
The portrait was given to MedChi in 1981 by Dr. Elizabeth Lloyd White, a granddaughter of Dr. Rowe.

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