Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Mrs. Forbes-Robertson Hale and Med-Chi

Strictly speaking, this is not a medical post, but one about a woman who once spoke here at MedChi. Her name was Beatrice Forbes-Robertson Hale, and she was an actress and suffragist in the first quarter of the 1900s.

At that time, many of the private schools were located in close proximity to the Faculty, so our Osler Hall would have been a prefect place for a gathering lead by a woman who was known as a champion of women!

Bryn Mawr and Roland Park Country are both all-girls schools, and the others are co-ed. It's sure that someone from Bryn Mawr knew Marcia Noyes, as their respective buildings were located across Cathedral Street from one another. 

Marcia had somewhat of a history with the suffrage movement, as evidenced in this blog post from earlier in 2024. 

I stumbled across this article from the Baltimore Sun while searching for something else.  Mrs. Forbes-Robertson Hale was lecturing at Osler Hall on Tuesday, March 2, 1926.   

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